Impress.js – Never make boring presentations again!

  I recently stumbled across Impress.js and I have to say… Wow. This is such a great project. If you really want to impress (ha) your audience you will really want to check out this repository. To get the most out of impress you will want to have some experience with CSS and HTML. There are […]

DSC: Be careful what you test for

When it comes to testing the state of our environment with Desired State Configuration it’s important to remember to keep it as lightweight as possible. Take the following scenario: You’ve built a custom DSC Module that installs, uninstalls or updates versions of a custom in-house piece of Software. A new version of the Software is […]

Making sense of DSC Configuration Data

The intricacies of DSC Configuration Data can be somewhat tricky to understand at first but today I want to show you that once you have played around with it and created some example configurations it will all make sense. Let’s connect some of the dots so it becomes crystal clear. Here is a static DSC […]

Getting Started with Docker Compose

Once you’ve got an understanding of the Dockerfile and how it is used to create images its time to look into other main pieces of the Docker ecosystem, namely Docker Compose. Firstly, Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. As you can see from the official page there is some basic […]

Docker Swarm in 1.12

With Docker 1.12 in full swing now I thought it may be helpful to go through setting up Docker Swarm in a 1 manager and 1 worker environment. You can read more about the features included in 1.12 over here. So what is Docker Swarm and why should you care? Well, Docker Swarm is native […]

Redis and the Elastic stack

The first thing that popped into my mind when writing this post’s topic is that it sounds like a band fresh out of the 80’s. Redis and the Elastic stack.  This week’s mission was to get more of an understanding of how the Elastic Stack (formally known as ELK stack) functions. A part of that was coupling it […]