How Docker can abstract complexity

Github is a wonderful magic land until you want to run a project that is written in some language that you just have no idea about. In my case, this would be something like C++. I’ve never worked with C++ nor would I have any idea how to get started. This is where Docker comes in. […]

Docker Swarm in 1.12

With Docker 1.12 in full swing now I thought it may be helpful to go through setting up Docker Swarm in a 1 manager and 1 worker environment. You can read more about the features included in 1.12 over here. So what is Docker Swarm and why should you care? Well, Docker Swarm is native […]

Redis and the Elastic stack

The first thing that popped into my mind when writing this post’s topic is that it sounds like a band fresh out of the 80’s. Redis and the Elastic stack.  This week’s mission was to get more of an understanding of how the Elastic Stack (formally known as ELK stack) functions. A part of that was coupling it […]

Making Containers beautiful

One of the things I love about PowerShell is that it can be used as somewhat ‘sudo code’ to just write things that come to mind. Afterwards, if it turns out you are onto something great you can always come back with the C# hat on and make things more official. On that note, I had great feedback […]

Nano Server Container Host

When it comes to Containers we are aiming to detach our self from any of unnecessary bells and whistles that come with modern Server based operating systems. With Nano Server we only use what we need. We don’t have a need for anything besides the essentials that allow us to offer our Application/Content to the world. […]

Windows Containers (Cows at the Farm)

The term “Farm” in I.T has become a bit more real with the introduction of Windows Containers. Basically Microsoft are wanting us to start treating our Servers like cattle rather than caring for them day and night for their every need. Its a simple concept really, Server sick or dying? Cool, kill it and you’ll […]