How Docker can abstract complexity

Github is a wonderful magic land until you want to run a project that is written in some language that you just have no idea about. In my case, this would be something like C++. I’ve never worked with C++ nor would I have any idea how to get started. This is where Docker comes in. […]

DSC: Be careful what you test for

When it comes to testing the state of our environment with Desired State Configuration it’s important to remember to keep it as lightweight as possible. Take the following scenario: You’ve built a custom DSC Module that installs, uninstalls or updates versions of a custom in-house piece of Software. A new version of the Software is […]

Test-Playground – Kitchen DSC for PowerShell

As a precursor to this post I want to thank Matt Wrock from Stephen Murawski Chef for all their hard work with Test-Kitchen and Kitchen-DSC. Testing DSC Modules and Resources can be cumbersome task when having to run them locally on your machine. You may end up with tons of different undesired configurations and files sprawled throughout your machine. […]

Making Containers beautiful

One of the things I love about PowerShell is that it can be used as somewhat ‘sudo code’ to just write things that come to mind. Afterwards, if it turns out you are onto something great you can always come back with the C# hat on and make things more official. On that note, I had great feedback […]

Nano Server Container Host

When it comes to Containers we are aiming to detach our self from any of unnecessary bells and whistles that come with modern Server based operating systems. With Nano Server we only use what we need. We don’t have a need for anything besides the essentials that allow us to offer our Application/Content to the world. […]

Operations Validation Framework and Slack

I am back in Holland after an amazing PowerShell EU Conference in Germany. I must say, there were some really great presentations over the three day event and I believe everyone left the conference with something to go home and play with. A big thank you to all who helped organize the event, everything from food […]